The Guardian among other news sources have recently reported that Amazon’s Kindle and Kindle Fire devices along with Kindle Applications on Google and Apple App stores have been keeping track of the reading habits of users, including details like the text you have highlighted in your eBooks.
The tracking of user reading habits all came to the surface when users on the west coast requested their privacy information - this as a result of the new California privacy laws. The information that Amazon was keeping track of was startling, especially for users that were just simply reading their eBooks. It really emphasized how much we are tracked, and what’s being tracked about us.
Most of us have known about how tech companies like Amazon track us, from what we search to recommending products we talked about getting a few days before. But most of us didn’t expect Amazon to track what we read for leisure, or for school.
What Amazon is mostly tracking is what books you have read and when you read them, but it goes deeper than that. Amazon also collects what you highlighted in the books you read, what words you researched from those very books, and even the quotes and excerpts you copy and paste gets tracked and logged onto a huge spreadsheet. What Amazon wants with this information is unknown, but there are ways to prevent further tracking.
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